Meet Valerie!
Valerie’s mission is to cheer believers on to teach corrective truth by using humor and Scripture, so they can know that Christ in them IS the hope of glory and have freedom to live life abundantly and share that truth with others!
In addition to speaking engagements, writing as a published author, and hosting a daily devotional radio segment, Valerie is a household executive with a husband, five adult children, two daughters-in-law, six grandchildren, and three dogs. Together, she and her husband Kenny own and operate Holman-Howe Funeral Homes.
Trained as a part of the Maxwell Leadership Team, Valerie is a fast-paced and witty speaker, motivating her audiences to action. She loves the Lord and has completed many hours of training in education, discipleship course work, and Bible Study. These, along with real life experiences, give her presentations a powerful punch.
Valerie’s goal is to help others grow physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. For those who want to be uplifted and inspired, Valerie is available for speaking and leadership training.
“I want people to know that Jesus is the Truth and He is able to change their lives.”
-Valerie Howe
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Tune in to 90.7 KTTK Power FM Monday through Friday at 7:10am and 4:10pm Central time.
I’m also on live at 7:22pm.